The World Series (RVFF #11)
What is Random Vocabulary Flash Fiction (RVFF)? I blindly select a vocabulary word from Word Smart, and write a flash fiction story using that word. Flash fiction means it's short - you can read it in a flash. Click here to read my rules.
Today's word: Ebullient (ih BUL yunt) - 1. boiling 2. bubbling with excitement 3. exuberent
Eddie scuffled toward the plate. Coach squinted into the crowd and spat. Coach looked at the loaded bases then at the scoreboard – two outs, last inning, two runs back.
Eddie was a hard hitter, but unpredictable. Coach hadn’t planned for the roars of an ebullient crowd and combined with Eddie’s timidity… Coach cringed.
Eddie knelt down, grabbed a handful of dirt, and drizzled it over his cleat.
“Hit it, Eddie! Team’s countin’ on ya.”
Eddie positioned his bat and swung.
“Strike,” the referee said, leaping over the bat flung from Eddie’s hands.
“Hold on to the bat, Eddie!” Coach said.
Eddie positioned his bat.
“Go, baby!” a voice yelled from the crowd.
Eddie’s mom – No! Coach hoped Eddie hadn’t heard her.
Eddie swung, hit, and ran – straight into the arms of his mother.
That was the day Coach decided to retire – the dream of a Pee-Wee World Series victory demolished.
Word count = 148